Mera Publications

The Yelling Yeti

By Gina Devi Gurung. Illustrated by Alina Chhantel

PRICE: Rs. 750 Paperback. Rs. 1200 Hardcover. (13% VAT included) 
ISBN: PB: 978-0-2288-6165-2.  HC: 978-0-2288-6165-9
38pp. 38 Colour illus. 

In this wonderfully crafted children’s book by author Gina Gurung, beautifully illustrated by Alina Chhantel, join Yamuna the yeti and her friends on a journey through the Himalayas to discover what is making her yell!

NOTE: The proceeds from the sale of these books go towards providing school bags for Chepang Students in Kaule Village of Chitwan District. 

Call 9851054001 to order this book within Nepal.
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